Wednesday, January 29, 2020

RIP Sandford "Sandy" Kossin

According to Gregory Manchess at Muddy Colors, Sandy Kossin has passed away.  I will forever remember the first image of The Shadow that I saw as his cover for "The Living Shadow", my first paperback adventure of The Dark Eagle.  I still have it, albeit a lot more beaten up from years of being transferred and read.  His version of The Shadow waned for me as I became more familiar with the traditional imagery of Rozen, Gladney, Steranko and Kaluta.  However, as time marches on and my mind has opened up I have come to appreciate his work and contribution to The Shadow's legacy.

Rest in Peace, Mr. Kossin.  Thank you for introducing me to The Shadow and the world of pulp.


  1. Oh no. Talked and dealt with Sandy getting a print of his DEATH TOWER out. Nice man. So sorry to hear this, Joe.

  2. I'm hearing from Chuck Welch that the rumors of Sandy's death may have been greatly exaggerated.
