Friday, March 29, 2019

What's the Difference Volume 55

Five (5) changes to this, in my opinion, odd cover.  Still, give it a go and report back with the answer.  Have a relaxing weekend, agents. (Unless crime is afoot then be prepared for a call from Burbank!)

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Death Rises Out of the Sea!

A nice skeleton and lighthouse cover.  The noose is a nice touch as well.  Love the black background.  Truly, a great early Shadow Comics cover.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

What cover? Not a pulp...

Ah, c'mon.  This is easy.  The art was even repurposed for an album cover.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

The (Bee) Keeper's Gold revealed

"Agent J reports: Bee, prizez, knife handle, blood spots (extra), little star in the W, dense, Shadow's automatic, vertical line on door jam (beneath the D). I think I got them all!"

  Indeed you did get them all, Agent J.  (Perhaps this one was too easy.)

Monday, March 25, 2019

Friday, March 22, 2019

Car 54 Where.... I mean, Puzzle 54

Eight (8) changes for y'all to find.  Have fun and give your answers before The Shadow bleeds to death.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Rembering Al Williamson

  Not Shadow related but Al was a huge figure in the pop culture world.  He was the heir to the Alex Raymond genre of comic strips.  His Flash Gordon work influenced George Lucas and Star Wars, of which he eventually took over the art chores for the daily strip.  His work has influenced countless artists down the decades, including me.  He was one of my teachers during my first year at The Joe Kubert School.  We became friends over the next five years.  I still miss him.  Today would've been his 89th birthday. 

An intriguing ad

Love the spot illustrations from the two magazines.  However, the fascinating thing I found in this ad is found in the upper right hand corner

"Residents of New York City should include the 2% sales tax for unemployment relief."

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

A little 80s Shadow

A sketch from Bill Sienkiewicz.  Not a fan of the hat but I did like the art he did on his six issue run of the DC book.  Can't say I liked the writing or characterizations of the agents or other classic characters that Gibson so carefully cultivated.  Thankfully they redeemed themselves with The Shadow Strikes and a return to the era our hero belongs to.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Differences revealed

"Agent J reports: The Shadow's ring, buttons on ladies skirt, jewel near ladies right fingers, gold in inside upper left corner of box, knot in rope near lady, ladies necklace,extra spire - that's all I can find!"

Agent J, pretty close.  I snuck a second change to the jewels in the box.  Gotta try and trip up the hawkeyed detectives out there.

Monday, March 18, 2019

Death in the Stars

You are absolutely right, Agent J.  The May 1st, 1940 issue of The Shadow Magazine is, indeed, the answer to the puzzle clews from last week.  Not my favorite cover but one that gets the point across...

Mystery abounds beneath this cover.  Do you dare to follow The Shadow into this latest adventure?

Or something like that

Friday, March 15, 2019

The Romanoff Jewels, our 53rd "What's the Difference" challenge

Eight (8) changes to this detailed Steranko cover for the classic tale of where The Shadow got his ring.  Of course, this scene is not in the tale (heaven forbid Gibson have a hot chick spilling her jewels all over our hero).  Good luck, agents.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Could it be?

Martin Landau?  The Shadow?  Did our hero make it to the moon in 1999?  Perhaps...

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Monday, March 11, 2019

The answers.... REVEALED!!

"Agent J reports: 1936, extra bullet hole above Shadow's automatic, missing fold in red of Shadow's cloak, Shadow's automatic. That's all I can find."

Pretty good, Agent J.  I added a bit of mortar to the bricks behind our hero.  A bit sneaky but I thought that Gladney missed the symmetry there.  (Hey, OCD ain't that much fun to live with...)

Friday, March 8, 2019

What? Another skull? So original

Even the blurb on the cover points out the obvious.  I guess I wouldn't be so critical if the art were better.  Since I haven't read these comics I am giving them the benefit of the doubt and say that "Another Skull Murder!" links to some past tales or even an ongoing story arc.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

What's The Difference #52

A classic cover and one of my personal favorites.  Five (5) changes to this one.  Can you find them?

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Found this on Facebook

Thomas Gianni did this tribute to George Rozen's "The Book of Death".  Not bad.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Monday, March 4, 2019

The answers are...

"Agent J reports: axe design on chair, Shadow's ring, machine gun stock, missing buttons on chair near gangsters head, hole in skull, extra button/knob on chair leg."

Well done, Agent J!  Not my favorite cover by Steranko but it sure was fun to mess with.