Tuesday, October 1, 2019

The Theatre of the Mind

My best friend just sent me a link to the archives of the radio program that most likely turned me on to The Shadow all those years ago, The CBS Radio Mystery Theater.  Soon after this program started airing I remember my local station airing The Shadow.  I can't remember if they were reruns or if they were some kind of re-enactment.  Whatever it was, it changed my life forever.
As I'm watching the latest Tarzan film (for the umpteenth time) on my second screen I'm just feeling nostalgic for the simpler tales of morality and heroism.  The Shadow, The Phantom, Tarzan and John Carter.  Cardboard heroes?  Probably.  But it's what you take from those characters that make them special.  Those nights listening to The Shadow and Radio Mystery Theater probably cemented that for me.  Take a listen and be transported through the Theatre of the Mind.

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