Monday, April 25, 2011

Voodoo Trail

Kind of a boring cover. I think that the rendering of the "damsel in distress" isn't distressed enough and our hero doesn't seem to be all that concerned as he stares off into the distance. However, mysterious hand that holds the deadly viper does add an air of mystique to the cover. It almost reminds me of a promotional still from a movie. At least the ring is prominent.
This is the third of the Dr. Mocquino tales. I have to admit I have only read the first two, "The Voodoo Master" & "City of Doom". I'm sure I'll get to this one soon since I changed my reading patterns to the order in which they were written. Anyone who is interested in a brief synopsis of this story can just click here.


  1. yes, which third person's hand is that?

    1. I would guess that it is Dr. Rodil Mocquino's hand. I doubt that a zombie would have been able to handle that snake.
