Friday, February 11, 2011

Opening shot

In the film, the first time we get to see The Shadow in all his glory, it appears he has no cloak on yet when he strides towards Dr. Roy Tam the cloak flows fully. Strange oversight on the director's part.


  1. Joe, there's a shot I've seen, hard-pressed to tell you where right now, of that zoom up to The Shadow on the bridge, first time we see him, where the footage is identical but his cloak is there and billowing out; it was ANIMATED, just as it was when he reaches the top of the hotel stairway later in the film and is revealed by lightning as he turns toward the camera. Apparently the director decided to dispense with the cape on that first reveal. Too bad, it looked impressive!

  2. The bridge shot of The Shadow with animated flowing cape can be seen at about 5:15 in the Taylor Dayne video "Original Sin".
