Friday, September 30, 2022

ON THE AIR: November 16, 1941

 Take a listen to this one and pay attention at about the 20 minute mark where the title comes into play.

"The Black Dragon"

 "You were really a dope, Fenmore just didn't fix the wrapping. He planted a nice dose of opium in the tobacco, too. A few pipe loads and you were in a mood to mistake almost anything." - Myra Reldon

Modest Stein was back on cover duty for foreseeable future.  This ain't my favorite of his, that's for sure.  But the story is given the label of "classic" from J. Olsen.  Like I've said before, that's good enough for me.  A bit of trivia, this is the last appearance of Myra Reldon.

"The Swords of Shiwan Khan!: The Coast" page 21"

"Well, the little runt did his job."

Thursday, September 29, 2022

"The Devil Monsters"

 Apparently this is the novel many fans say is the worst one penned by Gibson.  John Olsen says otherwise.  I'm guessing that this one goes too far for the crime fans and appeals to the Doc Savage fans.  If John enjoyed it then I'm willing to give it a go.  Can't say much  for the cover, though.  Rozen sure has strayed from the classic look.

This was the first issue of an apparent 8 issue story arc that serialized "The Devil Monsters" for Shadow Comics.  Sci Fi was starting to capture the public's imagination, I suppose.

"The Swords of Shiwan Khan!: The Coast" page 20"

"Hot ziggety ding!  Wotta fight!"

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

"Death's Masquerade"


"Music and gaiety offered cover for a strange stroke of death to challenge The Shadow!

Hidden crime was at work in the model city of Industria. And to The Shadow, master over all crime, the idea of stalking crime in ghostly style was excellent. His own hand hidden, his very presence a mystery, The Shadow was qualified to be a ghost of the future. As such, he could crack crime's riddle and the hoodoo that went with it. The Shadow knew!" - The Shadow Wiki

"The Swords of Shiwan Khan!: The Coast" page 19"

"Wotta Ron-Bon!  I ain't mad at nobody!"

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

"The Museum Murders"

The Shadow's business was to crack down on crime. By knowing the moves of the law, by studying in advance the target against which criminals might shoot, The Shadow, along with cleaning up crime, did marvels in preventing evil. And if ever crime could wish an opportunity, it had come -- in the priceless possessions of the Argyle Museum. Could The Shadow anticipate what was to follow? 

                                                                                                                                     - The Shadow Wiki

This cover is by William Timmins, a distinctly un-Shadow image.  But I like it well enough even though, for some reason, the hat is just a fedora and the nose seems more natural than the distinctive beak Rozen created.  Times, they are a-changing and this issue starts 1943 off in less than pulp fashion.

"The Swords of Shiwan Khan!: The Coast" page 18"

"I needed a little mayhem to snap me out of my funk."

Monday, September 26, 2022

"The Money Master"

 This cover vexes me.  It depends on my mood whether I'm okay with it or dislike it.  Right now I'm feeling like it's okay.  I think Steranko would take the same layout and idea and push it further.  I haven't read the story yet so I won't say nuttin' 'bout dat.

It did appear in a 1943 issue of Shadow Comics, as well.

Now this is a cover I can get behind!

"The Swords of Shiwan Khan!: The Coast" page 17"

"And whoever aids my enemy... must become my enemy."

Sunday, September 25, 2022

  "I've been thinking over what you told me, It's given me a new definition of sport, though I always did argue that it wasn't the kill that counted. Hunting big game seems small compared to tracking down criminals. I seem to have moved in on this hunt, so I feel entitled to see it through. Whenever you sight the other Hydra Heads, give me a tallyho."  - Lamont Cranston

This cover actually indicates a part of the story even if it isn't done as well as Rozen's classic covers.  John over at The Shadow in Review gives this his hearty recommendation.  That's good enough for me.

This story also appeared in Shadow Comics Volume 4 #10...

Cool cover

The Sunday Comics: The Shadow Solves the Mystery of the Missing Uranium page 6

"I don't like this!... I think it's a trap... but we'll see who gets snared!"

Saturday, September 24, 2022

Avenger Saturday presents: "The Devil's Horns"

 Very well designed cover.  The artist draws your eye around the scene starting with The Avenger.  He's staring at the three thugs who are nearly in silhouette and they, in turn, are focused on the unsuspecting victim walking under the street light.  Yep, a nice bit of illustration.  And apparently the owner of this particular issue was a member of The Doc Savage Club.

"Trail of Vengeance"

Five false friends had brought ruin and death to old Lionel Glendon -- and his nephew Bert sworn vengeance. However, worthy it might be, such a scheme of retribution could bring crime in its wake, perhaps with disaster to the very man who engineered it. Curing evil with evil was a course that sometimes turned sincere men into fiends -- and brought the master of darkness, The Shadow, to their rescue. - The Shadow Wiki

Friday, September 23, 2022

ON THE AIR: November 9, 1941

 We have a missing episode (The Terror by Night) that preceded today's offering.  Sit back and listen to "The Organ Played at Midnight" with a cup of tea or cocoa and enjoy the first episode of  Autumn 2022.

"Clue for Clue"

 Not a good cover.  And, according to this review, the story is, well, clueless.

"The Swords of Shiwan Khan!: The Coast" page 16"

< "No. But I can kill you... my master.">

Thursday, September 22, 2022

"The Devil's Partner"

 Not a good cover.  Not a good story.  Even though it's a Tinsley tale it doesn't make it out of the bottom 100.  Hey, they can't all be classics.  I think 1942 may have taken its toll on the authors with the war raging.  I can't even imagine what the country was like at that point in time.

"The Swords of Shiwan Khan!: The Coast" page 15"

"<I am pleased to see that your guardians remain as potent as ever, master.>"

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

"Syndicate of Sin"

 "It's a deal. Leave it to me, chief. I'll hang onto them tighter than a tick to a woolly dog." - Moe Shrevnitz

Aaarrgh... another yellow cover.  Not a very interesting image, the composition just feels really forced.  This is a Theodore Tinsley tale so I'm sure it'll be a pretty pulpy piece of writing and The Shadow in Review says it is one of the best of 1942.

"The Swords of Shiwan Khan!: The Coast" page 14"

<"I am pleased to see the pond of your mind remains unrippled, student.">

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

An apology and an update

 I didn't listen far enough on the recording I tagged for you and just published.  I was listening to it today and found that at the 7:02 mark a rather disturbing bit was inserted and ran until 12:20.  I stopped listening so I can't really tell you what it all was about but I apologize for running that particular version.  I have inserted a different link that is not only correct but a much better quality recording.  If you want to listen, click here.

"The Vampire Murders"

 "Tonight the vampire may walk again, unless we prefer to think that the skeleton parades these premises. Whichever the case, we shall learn the facts - of murder!" - The  Shadow 

A dying sigh of wind circled Haldrew Hall, forbidding mansion of death, and echoed a whisper that gave a mirthfully, sibilant laugh. Could The Shadow keep his promise that he, strange master of darkness, would take a hand in solving the weird riddle of Haldrew Hall, after mere humans had finished their speculations on the subject of a roving vampire that had vanished without a rattle of its bones?  - The Shadow Wiki

Here's a bit of trivia, courtesy of The Shadow Wiki: 

The character Varney Haldrew is named after the original "Varney, the Vampire" who was featured in a Victorian era, Gothic-horror story, Varney the Vampire; or, the Feast of Blood by James Malcolm Rymer. "Varney" became a major influence on later vampire fiction, most notably the renowned novel Dracula (1897), by Bram Stoker. Many of today's basic concepts of a vampire, fangs, punctured necks and hypnotic powers, originated from the Varney pamphlets that were published from 1845 to 1847. The original "musty, leather covered book" is mentioned in The Shadow story.

A simplified version of this novel appeared as one of the tales in Shadow Comics less than a year later.

"The Swords of Shiwan Khan!: The Coast" page 13"


Monday, September 19, 2022

"Judge Lawless"

 Where's the ring!  Doggone it all, I hate it when the ring is missing.  Maybe Judge Lawless feels the same way and that's why he's shooting at The Shadow.  By the way, gotta love the dark glasses on the statue, pushing the "Justice is blind" idea.  Since I haven't read the story I don't know if this is just a fun addition by Rozen or if Gibson wrote it in.

Shadow Comics also ran a shortened version of this tale. 

"The Swords of Shiwan Khan!: The Coast" page 12


Sunday, September 18, 2022

The Sunday Comics: The Shadow Solves the Mystery of the Missing Uranium page 5


"De Shadow!!  Let him come!  Ve vill show him vere to stick his big nose!"

"Legacy of Death"

 Doc Savage ran this cover the month previous as part of a campaign of American flag covers that 500 or so magazines nationwide participated in.  I haven't found a lot on this but it makes sense that, as America fought its way across Europe and the Pacific, the need to push morale and boost fundraising at home became essential. Click the link to get an idea of the "United We Stand" campaign.  At least the title "Legacy of Death" wasn't on the cover, that would have been disastrous.  The story itself is a step up from the previous tale but still only sits in the middle of the novels.

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Avenger Saturday presents: The Sky Walker

Another super action packed cover with the ominous pale visage of The Avenger staring down at the crime being perpetrated.  Good stuff, fer sure.

"Death About Town"

 Lamont Cranston, wealthy young "death" about town.  Great riff on the classic opening to the popular radio drama.  I'd like to think that Gibson was playing with just that idea.  Classic cover harkening back to the first run of Rozen designs.  Love this art and the title and... well, if John Olsen is to be believed, that's all I'll love about this one.  Still, for me, that's enough.

Friday, September 16, 2022

ON THE AIR: October 26, 1941

 Satanic rituals start this episode off in a creepy manner.  But what should we expect from a Halloween episode.  Take a listen to "The Devil's Hour".

"Five Ivory Boxes"

 Yawn.  Dull cover.  Apparently a boring adventure.  I know there are hands on this one and it seems to be rendered well but it just doesn't do much for me.  John O. brings up a good point when it comes to the writing of these '42 books, perhaps WBG was distracted by the war and he just was in a not so great headspace.  We'll never know.

"The Swords of Shiwan Khan!: The Coast" page 11

<"Someone is going in!">

Thursday, September 15, 2022

"The Devil's Feud"

Another action packed cover to a middling 1942 adventure.  Again the "Dark" Avenger fights crime in the bright light of what appears to be high noon.  Rather than being a mysterious menace to gangdom, he appears to be a super hero (a la Batman).  Did the comics start to influence the cover art of our beloved magazine?  Maybe.  Still, I miss the sense that a vigilante in black running around in the dark made.

"The Swords of Shiwan Khan!: The Coast" page 10

"...then you understand your duty?"

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

"Twins of Crime"

 The cover is the only worthwhile aspect about this tale of Noel and Leon, the 'Twins of Crime'.  Yep, the tale is given away in the title.

"The Swords of Shiwan Khan!: The Coast" page 9

"Myra Reldon... is my finest female agent."

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

"Death's Bright Finger"

 Wow!  The Shadow meets science fiction. Very provocative cover (it is, after all, Ted Tinsley), one that seems to echo some of the radio programmes. It does, however, do it's job and makes you want to find out what this is all about.  Gruesome!  Very pulpy.  We've seen the skeleton motif before but this one has us actually watching a man disintegrate before our very eyes. One thin dime for this really cool cover.  Whatta deal!  Who wouldn't want to grab this one off of the stands and read all about this Tinsley penned adventure.  Too bad that circle is placed right over The Shadow but what can one do, editors and A D's aren't always the brightest tools in the box. 

"The Swords of Shiwan Khan!: The Coast" page 8

"Proud to meet the 'Right Hand of the Master.'"

(yeah, I left the Star Trek ad in.  Sue me, I'm a Trekkie/Trekker to the core!  LLAP)

Monday, September 12, 2022

"The Northdale Mystery"

"The Shadow was thinking of new crime: of mystery much deeper than the recent bank robbery. New crime had followed the bank case. Murder -- coming so close upon The Shadow's triumph over criminals, had convinced the Master of Darkness that there were more things amiss in Northdale than even he, The Shadow, had expected to encounter!" - The Shadow Wiki

"The Swords of Shiwan Khan!: The Coast" page 7"

"Yeah, this was Shanghai, all right."

Sunday, September 11, 2022

The Sunday Comics: The Shadow Solves the Mystery of the Missing Uranium page 4


"But, General!!!... Mr. Cranston's on his vacation...!!"
Heh, Margo's sense of priorities is a bit skewed.

"The Jade Dragon"

 A so-so cover for a pretty nice Chinatown story.  The green tone of the suit just kills this for me along with squeezing the bad guy and his human shield into the corner of the cover.  Not Rozen's best, to be sure.  However, the adventure is well worth reading if you get a few free hours in your day (or week).