Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Saturday, May 27, 2023

Avenger Saturday presents: "Three Gold Crowns" paperback

 This appeals to me because it almost feels like The Shadow is making a guest appearance.  How does this stack up to the original pulp cover?  Make your own judgment.

Friday, May 26, 2023

ON THE AIR: March 3, 1946

 An old mansion on a cliff.  A woman forbidden by her doctor husband to leave the island.  Lamont and Margot find a hidden panel with a corpse holding a clew.  Margot panics... They get into a mess.  A gothic finale.  The Shadow triumphs.  The Island of Ancient Death has seen it's last victim.

Blood & Judgment Part One page 12

"<The sign of Chow Lee-->"

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Monday, May 22, 2023

Saturday, May 20, 2023

Avenger Saturday presents: "Murder on Wheels" paperback

 This cover, while well done, just feels a bit boring.  It certainly can't compare to the original pulp cover, that's for sure.  Of course, that original piece is one of my favorites

Friday, May 19, 2023

ON THE AIR: February 10, 1946

 Another episode where the dead live again.  Of course it's all just a... well, I won't spoil it for you.  Sit back and keep your head about you as you listen to "The Living Head".

Blood & Judgment Part One page 7

"Gladys in records says Marsland wasn't much better when he was a-"

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Blood & Judgment Part One page 5


"Just ask 'im--Hey - you - your name -uh - Hawkeye?"
This is the page that made me realize I was in for a far darker version of my hero.  Sure, we had Burke skewered to the ceiling on page 3 but when they lit Hawkeye on fire I was, truthfully, shocked.

Saturday, May 13, 2023

Avenger Saturday presents: "The Flame Breathers" paperback

Okay, I can get behind this one.  However, it ain't nowhere as good as the original pulp...

Now that's  a great cover!

Friday, May 12, 2023

ON THE AIR: February 3, 1946

 I thought I had listened to all of the available radio episodes but this seems new to me.  Let's sit back and listen to "Murder with Music" together and compare opinions later at The Cobalt Club.  Enjoy this little trip into the Theatre of the Mind.

Blood & Judgment Part One page 1

 Classic Chaykin, half naked woman draws your attention immediately to what's about to happen.  For better or for worse, it really was a sign of the times.  And the times they were a-changin'.

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Blood & Judgment Part One

 It's too bad this couldn't have premiered one month earlier and celebrated the 55th anniversary of the first appearance of The Shadow in print.  And how cool is it to have that classic poster behind The Dark Eagle?!

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Guess what's comin' next

 He's back... indeed!  This series, which I really liked when it first came out, has grown on me more as the years roll by.

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Hopefully everyone has gotten their own issue of The Shadowed Circle #5

 It's pretty cool to see my painting gracing the cover of the current issue of The Shadowed Circle.  I'm currently finishing up a painting I hope will be the next cover of a very special issue.  Here's a sneak peek...

The end

 Well, at least of this version.  I've said it before and I'll say it here, "The Shadow Strikes!" was the best comic version of our hero.  Maybe if the Kaluta era run had lasted longer I'd be more on board with that run but for my money, this was the best.

Monday, May 8, 2023

Well, this is it...

 The finale has arrived.  At least they knew it when they published.  I can't say that it ended on a high note but it wasn't bad.  And they left the origin up in the air.  A possible beginning for The Shadow.  Tune in tomorrow for one last page of "The Shadow Strikes!"

Something I'm working on

 I wanted to do a faux 1930s movie poster featuring the two greatest pulp characters of all time.  The "World's Finest" concept came from the crew at The Shadowed Circle.  This is still a work in progress and I have no idea if it will ever turn into anything more than a vanity project but I'm okay with that.  This has been a blast to work on.  I'm trying to psych myself up to hand letter everything except the small text for the cast of characters.  Right now it's part digital (logos, text and purple fill) and part oil painting.  Doc is referenced from a pulp cover while The Shadow is from my imagination. 

Sunday, May 7, 2023

The Sunday Comics: The Shadow Comics #3 page 3

 Who do they think they are fooling?!  A brown costume?  Seriously?!  Sheesh, stupid bad guys...

Saturday, May 6, 2023

Avenger Saturday presents: "River of Ice" paperback

I like this cover except for that blow dried hair of his.

However, I really like the pulp cover.  However, the titles are slightly different and, again, I prefer the pulp version.

Friday, May 5, 2023

ON THE AIR: January 27, 1946

    Dreams and beaches.  For most people that would be an ideal adventure.  For The Shadow and Margo, it can only mean family jealousies and attempts to drive someone crazy.  Sit back with a nice shot of whiskey (or iced tea) and enjoy this tale of mystery and mayhem with... The Shadow!

"... and Illusion" pages 24 & 25


"... is that The Shadow knows!"

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Tuesday, May 2, 2023