Friday, April 27, 2012

Three Stamps of Death

Nothing to say about this boring cover.  The story?  Not sure, but here is a link to a synopsis.  At least it's by Walter B. Gibson.

"Fireworks" part 2 page 8

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Black Hush

Probably the most recognizable image of The Shadow ever created.  This set the standard by which all renderings of The Dark Eagle would be judged.  Even Steranko recreated this image during his run on the 70's paperbacks.  I had an orange t-shirt with this image ironed onto it.  My best friend was wearing a blue one when I met him in late 1976 and that probably was the tie that binds as far as our friendship is concerned (and he's not even a fan!).  There are covers I like better but one cannot argue that this may be the most famous of all the covers created.  Oh, yeah, the story was pretty good, too.

"Fireworks" part 2 page 6

Friday, April 20, 2012

City of Crime

This tale was originally titled "Killer's Vengeance" (which I personally like).  Not sure what to think of the cover.  Well done artistically but not sure I like seeing The Shadow so exposed.  This would have worked better for me if it were Doc Savage.  I like my hero slinking around in the dark, donchaknow. 

"Fireworks" part 2 page 3

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Ghost Makers

Early Shadow tale with early cover artwork. This would have grabbed my attention if I were walking by the newsstand. If I were waiting for this issue, I would have been pretty excited to read this one. Not the greatest execution of technique, but it gets its point across. I haven't read this story in years and now I'm wanting to read it again.

"Fireworks" part 2 page 1

Monday, April 16, 2012

Death's Premium

I LOVE this cover. Great technique. The prominent ring using complimentary colors. The clever manner of creating the "shadow". This is a pulp I will seek out regardless of whether the novel is great or not simply for the cover.

"Fireworks" page 25

"The boy is MINE now!" Is The Shadow recruiting his own Robin? Tune in tomorrow for the next thrilling chapter!!!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Shadow Over Alcatraz

The Shadow in daylight? Was Rozen trying to start a second career as a landscape artist? This cover makes no sense for the magazine. Sure, our hero looks like our hero, but I feel he is looking angry because he's not sure what the heck is going on here. I hope the story is better than the illustration leads us to believe. Is it painted well? Yes, it is. Still, who know what was lurking in the mind of the editor. I doubt even The Shadow knows.

"Fireworks" page 22

Friday, April 6, 2012

Road of Crime

This seems like a fairly generic cover to me with the multiple "shadows" cast behind The Dark Eagle. Still, this probably grabbed the buyer's attention and did exactly what it was supposed to do... create excitement and sell magazines. I have read the tale and found it very enjoyable. Thankfully the title was changed from Criminal Trail to Road of Crime.

"Fireworks" page 19

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Castle of Doom

As usual, Agent T, you are correct. And while I think you are correct to a degree regarding The Shadow's eyes, it could also be that he is looking for another villain. Great pulp cover, in my opinion. The story is one I haven't read so I'll just have to go with this review of the tale originally titled "Doom Castle".

"Fireworks" page 17

Monday, April 2, 2012

Tower of Death

Published as "Tower of Doom" this is a great cover with a lot of symbolism included. Love the great "shadow" cast, although I question the use of purple since it doesn't scream "eerie" to me, but I understand the need to have the cover pop off the stands and yellow and purple do that quite well. I haven't read this one but I look forward to it. Check it out here if you haven't read it yet.

"Fireworks" page 15