Tuesday, March 9, 2010

A moment, if you will

How would the Master fare in today's society? With all of the technology, would his simple ability to meld into the inky darkness of a blackened doorway or corner of a room be enough? Would he be able to pass as easily as someone else? More to the point, would readers be mesmerized by his abilities or are we so jaded that if it doesn't involve massive firepower and huge set pieces we can't be entertained.
I bring this up since Sony opted to let the Shadow property lapse and it looks as though it will end up at Fox. Will the studios look at the box office of the '94 film, coupled with the dismal showing of The Phantom, and then compare them to the tech'ed out Batman films and feel the need to update it. I sincerely hope not. Some things don't need to be updated. We need to see what a true avenger was able to do when the law wasn't quite so hamstrung by the ACLU and men could level the playing field based on the situation and not what some lawyer might twist out of it.
The Shadow should be a force of nature, a creature of justice. He shouldn't have to explain himself, just be trusted to do the right thing. That is something I don't believe very many "real" people are capable of. In the world Gibson created, the Shadow is unabashedly called "Master" by his agents. They are not only loyal to him, they trust him and he doesn't fail them.

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