Saturday, June 29, 2013

The Five Chameleons

I agree with you, Agent T, this is one of the great covers.  I must say I don't have your visual attachment to it but it makes me feel like we are under the blue light in the sanctum with our hero recording his notes from his latest adventure.  From a composition standpoint I love how the plume replaces the red lining of his cloak and covers the lower portion of his face.  Great concept.  Oh, I have read this story and must recommend it if only because it is one of the early tales, one of those formative stories where the sanctum isn't quite set, the girasol is much more of a tool than just a pretty bauble and the supercrooks aren't yet the norm for The Master of Men.  Yet that is the charm of these tales.  Most of us are aware of the popular version of our hero but these early tales were experimenting with ideas and trying to find the right formula that would eventually propel The Shadow into the annals of pulp and popular fiction history.  Check out this review of the 17th published tale of The Shadow Magazine.

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