Friday, March 18, 2011

A line from the '94 film

"Did you think you'd get away with it? Did you think I wouldn't know?!"

I really like the way Baldwin delivered these lines. I think he really enjoyed the role. I know it wasn't the perfect version of The Shadow, but I think it was a very fun film.

1 comment:

  1. I like those lines [and their delivery] too. Parts of the film I loved [most of the bridge scene, the Sanctum, the look of the Cobalt Club, the scenes where The Shadow himself dominates... Some things grated: ["Next time YOU get to be on top", said to a dead man; that's James Bond verbiage, not The Shadow's!]; the water tank scene, Margo overdoing the sexy coquette thing, the multiple [and blinking!] girasols...and, of course, the total invisibility power, the teenaged Tulku with the older radio announcer's voice...oh yeah, and Lamont being a mass murderer and complete heel before his redemption. Would've liked to see a re-edit with some of those factors gone and some cut scenes added [The cloaked Shadow in his Sanctum, e.g.]. Overall, fun but disappointingly and maddeningly inconsistent.
