Sorry for the low resolution on this image. It's tough to find quality images of these great covers. And a great cover it is! I love the explosions popping around the scene giving it a sense of urgency and danger. The coloration on The Shadow's face is terrific but the fez seems a bit trite. I am viewing it from nearly 75 years after the fact, to be sure. 1936 may have been intrigued by the exotic concept of the fez.
Anyhow, this was the last
story published in the amazing run of 112 straight stories by Walter B. Gibson. "Partners in Peril" by Tinsley was next up. From November 1, 1936 until July 1, 1943 Theodore Tinsley spelled Mr. Gibson 27 times and Lester Dent (of Doc Savage fame) had one published as well. These all worked well in the canon until the ill advised assignment of Bruce Elliott pretty much closed the doors on our hero's sanctum.