Saturday, August 10, 2024

Haul from Pulpfest 2024

 As John recently said... Kid in a candy store.  That's exactly how I felt going from dealer to dealer to find additions to my very small collection of original Shadow pulps.

This is my damaged edition of "The Silent Seven" from Pyramid.  I know you can't see it, but I was lucky enough to have Mr. James Steranko sign it to me.  Even better, Tim King and I got to spend several hours talking about many things ranging from Houdini to Mr. Miracle to classic illustrators and a few other things.

We shared a table with Will Murray and sold a few editions of The Shadowed Circle Compendium.  Even signed a few.  I was able to spend some time picking Will's brain as well as Gary Buckingham, a Tarzan author.  Met some great fans and even touched base with Chuck Welch, the publisher of The Bronze Gazette.  All in all, a really great time with some like minded people.

I may post some of my non Shadow haul later.

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