Saturday, August 31, 2024

Saturday's random pulp cover: Doc Savage Magazine: "He Could Stop The World" July 1937

 A little Jack & the Beanstalk vibe comin' offa this cover.  It looks like Monk is gonna be taken down by a giant caterpillar.  Odd cover and, I'll bet, an odd adventure.

Friday, August 30, 2024

ON THE AIR: October 3, 1948

 You may notice that the announcer calls this episode "Phantom Racketeer", but the script was written "The Phantom Racketeer".  Just a little trivia.  This episode features a duplicitous female.  I know, I know... shocking!  You'll just have to take a listen to find out who the bad gal is. 

The Shadow: Year One #10 page 17


Sunday, August 25, 2024

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Saturday's random pulp cover: Spicy Mystery Stories: "Summons for Satan" November 1937

 After having attended a presentation at Pulpfest on the rise of the Spicy titles, I thought I'd post a second cover from the Spicy Mystery line.  Great cover with so many questions.  Is that a contract with the devil in her hands?  Was the murder of the gentleman a fulfillment of that contract?  And why is she in a negligee!  Spicy mystery, indeed.


Oops, it seems I already featured this one.  My apologies.

Friday, August 23, 2024

ON THE AIR: September 26, 1948

 It starts with a ringing phone and ends with the answer to a crossword clew.  What happens in between?  You'll just have to tune into "Death is a Colored Dream" to find out.

The Shadow: Year One #10 page 12


Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Monday, August 19, 2024

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Haul from Pulpfest 2024

 As John recently said... Kid in a candy store.  That's exactly how I felt going from dealer to dealer to find additions to my very small collection of original Shadow pulps.

This is my damaged edition of "The Silent Seven" from Pyramid.  I know you can't see it, but I was lucky enough to have Mr. James Steranko sign it to me.  Even better, Tim King and I got to spend several hours talking about many things ranging from Houdini to Mr. Miracle to classic illustrators and a few other things.

We shared a table with Will Murray and sold a few editions of The Shadowed Circle Compendium.  Even signed a few.  I was able to spend some time picking Will's brain as well as Gary Buckingham, a Tarzan author.  Met some great fans and even touched base with Chuck Welch, the publisher of The Bronze Gazette.  All in all, a really great time with some like minded people.

I may post some of my non Shadow haul later.

Saturday's random pulp cover:Mystery Novels Magazine: "Fires at Fitch's Folly" April 1936

This issue not only features "Fires at Fitch's Folly" but an L. Ron Hubbard tale, "The Death Flyer".  Huh, go figure.

Friday, August 9, 2024

ON THE AIR: September 12, 1948

 A treasure worth killing for (ain't they all?) and a friend in need.  But will Lamont and Margot find him to be a friend indeed?!  Investigate "Murder at Dead Man's Inn" and see if you can solve this mystery before our heroes!

The Shadow: Year One #10 page 2


Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Saturday's random pulp cover:Spicy Mystery Stories: "Summons for Satan" November, 1937

A typical Hugh Joseph Ward cover.  And that means it's a pretty great piece of pulp art.  I confess that stories about Satan and the like have always given me pause.  Must be the Catholic-lite upraising I had (I'm Lutheran by baptism) that gives me the little twist in the gut.


Friday, August 2, 2024

ON THE AIR: May 16, 1948

 Trains! Diamonds! Bald men with monocles!  What more could one ask for?  Settle in and beat the heat with a trip down the tracks of memory lane and listen to "The Giant of Madras".

The Shadow: Year One #9 page 20

"Take me if you dare!"