Friday, July 7, 2017

Friday clew

One of my favorite covers.  No problem for Agent T, I'm sure.  As to yesterdays little brain fart, I have no idea why I attributed "The Murder Genius" to Bruce Elliott.  I was staring at Tinsley's name and the whole Benedict Stark story arc.  Sheesh.  That's what happens when you are trying to blog and get some work done at the same time.  It's been corrected.  Thanks for pointing that out, Bill.

1 comment:

  1. THE FOUR SIGNETS. I like this cover a lot, too, for the hand(s), the ring, the colors, the design and for the general weirdness that Rozen could impart to his covers, particularly the earlier ones. And you're in luck, this one's in the pipeline from Sanctum Books!
