Monday, September 17, 2012

Mother Goose Murders

Yeesh!  I don't know what else to say about such an "unShadow-like" cover.  Like Bill, I read this in a 70's hardcover reprint from Doubleday Crime Club when I came across it in the Public Library.  I was thrilled at the time and even tried to buy the Doubleday editions from them.  They said that at some point they would come up for sale but after years of checking back and being rebuffed I found that they sold them off anyhow.  A bit disappointing but now, with the web, it's not too hard to find this stuff.  However, I'll just wait for the Tollin reprint at this point as the story certainly wasn't the best.  The original title "Mother Goose Means Murder" would have been a better lure to the reader but would probably have made the disappointment that was the novel itself even more so.

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