Sunday, July 28, 2024

The Sunday Comics: The Shadow Comics "The Treasure Chest of Death" page 14

"No thank you, Annie... the fact that we showed criminals again... that crime does not pay is reward enough for us!"

Friday, July 26, 2024

ON THE AIR: May 9, 1948

Nothing else for me to say other than this is one of my favorite OTR adventures of The Shadow.  I have it on LP and have listened to this many, many times.  "Reflection of Death" has almost become a cherished childhood memory.

The Shadow: Year One #9 page 15

<"Well done, child  Now leave this place...">

Monday, July 22, 2024

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Saturday's random pulp cover:Famous Fantastic Mysteries: "The Island of Captain Sparrow/The Willows/Roderick's Story" April, 1946

These two young folk seem to have found themselves in a death grip!  How will they extricate themselves from this dire circumstance?  I haven't a clew, but if you find a copy of this pulp maybe you will let us know.

Friday, July 19, 2024

ON THE AIR: May 2, 1948

 A cursed family.  A mysterious swamp.  A call to Lamont Cranston for help.  Will Lamont solve the mystery of the swamp or will The Shadow need to reveal the real reason for the ills that plague the Calhoun family.  Tune into "The Legend of the Living Swamp" and all will become clear.

The Shadow: Year One #9 page 10

"But this situation cannot be allowed to fester."

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Monday, July 15, 2024

The Shadow: Year One #9 page 6

<"I ask you, brothers... is it right that these milk-skinned savages control our destiny?!">

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Saturday's random pulp cover:Unknown: "None But Lucifer" September, 1939

 Money is, indeed, the root of all evil.  But who tends the garden where those roots grow?  Why, none but Lucifer!  Beware the unknown temptations of that shiny metal!

Friday, July 12, 2024

ON THE AIR: April 4, 1948

Ghost stories and alternate identities.  Classic tropes for our intrepid duo to stumble into.  Will Lamont and Margot figure it all out or will The Shadow need to take a hand in uncovering "The Ghost That Gleams"?  Tune in and find out for yourself.

The Shadow: Year One #9 page 5


Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Monday, July 8, 2024

The Shadow: Year One #9 page 1

"My orders were to explore the street life, speak to the locals and get a lay-of-the-land."

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Saturday's random pulp cover:The Spider: "Reign of the Snake Men" December, 1936

Another giant evil hand that challenges The Shad... er, The Spider and a bevy of scantily clad damsels in distress.  Love the scarab ring, by the way.  Other than the snake in the lion idol's clenched fist, nothing screams "Snake Men" to me.

Friday, July 5, 2024

ON THE AIR: March 28, 1948

 If you're in the mood for an episode about ugly hats and spies, then this one is for you.  Follow Margot as she shops for an unique Easter bonnet only to embroil a reluctant Lamont (aka The Shadow) in a plot to steal our nations secrets.  But Margot's sharp shopping skills save the day, and possibly the country!  Take a listen to "Death & the Easter Bonnet".

The Shadow: Year One #9

Shocking... simply shocking!

Thursday, July 4, 2024

The Shadow: Year One #8 page 22

to be continued

Remember the reason for all the fireworks and noise

 Perhaps we need the Dark Eagle to steer this ship we call America.  Enjoy the celebration and remember what took place 248 years ago so that we can have the freedom to live our lives as we see fit.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Monday, July 1, 2024