Saturday, December 28, 2024

Saturday's random pulp cover: Black Mask: Hell's Stepsons: October 1929

 Awesomely cool cover art!  Possibly it's because I see The Dark Eagle in this illustration. J. W. Schlaikjer is the artist of this and many other of the very best Black Mask covers.  This particular issue is quite valuable/expensive due to the fact that it is the original home to the second installment of The Maltese Falcon.  Dashielle Hammett's famous tale ran from September 1929 to January 1930. 

Friday, December 27, 2024

ON THE AIR: January 1, 1939

 Yes, this is a rerun of a rerun of a rerun (well, you get the idea).  I will be starting a new series in 2025.  I hope you'll tune in.  In the meantime, enjoy "The Man Who Murdered Time" and put 2024 (almost) to rest.

Justice Inc. #3 page 22

Enter John Sunlight!

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Justice Inc. #3 page 19

"Think of the gun as an extension of your arm, itself!"

Merry Christmas, agents

 Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays!  Under The Blue Light wishes all the agents of The Shadow and fans of pulp and Old Time Radio the most hopeful and joy filled Christmas ever.  Enjoy the company of family and friends.  Or just the company of a great pulp story while your pet curls up at your feet in front of a crackling fire.  However you choose to celebrate this day, may it be peaceful and meaningful.

Monday, December 23, 2024

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Saturday's random pulp cover: War Birds: The Flame of Courage: August 1931

 This looks like an aviator was about to be executed when one of his compatriots came to his rescue.  I wonder if the story is as exciting as the cover seems to have promised.  Flame of courage, indeed.

Friday, December 20, 2024

ON THE AIR: 1964/1968

 This is an odd entry for our final visit to the radio realm of The Shadow.  This never aired but instead was recorded in 1964 and released on an album in 1968.  It did reunite Bret Morrison, Grace Matthews and Santos Ortega as Commissioner Weston.  Ken Roberts returned to be the "Announcer".  There is a bit more info here.  In the meantime enjoy "The Computer Calculates, The Shadow Knows".

Justice Inc. #3 page 16

"Uh... What?"

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Saturday's random pulp cover: Adventure: December 18 1919

 Well, living out here in Montana I guess it was inevitable that I post a western themed cover.  Adventure sure had some beautiful cover art over their long run.

Friday, December 13, 2024

ON THE AIR: June 27, 1954

 "The Vengeance of Angela Nolan" brings to an end the available episodes from the original run of The Shadow.  There were 26 episodes after this one.  I'll play one from 1964 next week, but I don't really know the provenance of the episode.  I hope these have been a pleasant trip back into the days when radio ruled.

Justice Inc. #3 pages 10 & 11

"Kill me."

Saturday, December 7, 2024

Saturday's random pulp cover: Film Fun: "Charmed to Meet You!" June 1933

This surely ain't in the realm of pulp adventure (or is it?).  I thought I'd change it up and showcase one of my favorite pinup artists, Enoch Bolles.  If you'd like to read a bit and see some more of this artist's work, just click here.

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Saturday, November 30, 2024

Saturday's random pulp cover: Famous Fantastic Mysteries: "The White Wolf" August 1952

 Slightly gruesome cover with a white wolf dismembering a skeleton.  Not sure why the woman is out in the cemetery in the snow, however.  Still, an engaging cover from the twilight of the pulps.

Friday, November 29, 2024

ON THE AIR: May 29, 1949

 Wills and eccentrics just don't mix.  Throw in a nearby zoo and chaos & crime soon take center stage.  Enter The Shadow and Margot to bring sense to the senseless.  Tune into "Monkey Woman" and find out how our hero tames the savage beast.

Justice Inc. #3

The Dream Team with their respective teams!

Thursday, November 28, 2024

Justice Inc. #2 page 24

More of them interestin' footnotes!

Happy Thanksgiving

 Enjoy family and friends, the beautiful Autumn weather and the feast set before you.  But take a moment to remember why this holiday exists.  Remember why the pilgrims left the only home they knew and struck out for a new world with the promise of freedom.

Saturday, November 23, 2024

Update to Gangland's Doom

It appears that Kickstarter allows more backers to join in even after the projects end date.  We gained two more backers and $236, bringing our total over $12K at $12,196.  I'm sure every dime will be reflected in the book.  I'll post my interior illustrations as they get completed.  For anyone interested, this cover art is only available on the hard cover editions.

Saturday's random pulp cover: Adventure Magazine: "A Thrilling Novelette of The Man-Apes" June 1930

 Adventure certainly had some of the most wonderful covers of the pulp era.  Simple, to the point.  This painting pretty much tells you what you're getting for your two bits.

Friday, November 22, 2024