Friday, May 6, 2022

"Vengeance Is Mine!"

 Hands!  Puzzles!  A blue light!  Are we looking at the famous highly polished table in the hidden sanctum of The Shadow!  This passage from the novel explains the cover.

"The Shadow produced a large box that contained many small compartments, each filled with little blocks like the portions of a jig-saw puzzle. Each of these pieces was cut square; it was a simple task to fit them. One compartment contained eyes of varied shapes and hues; another had noses of varying sorts. There were portions of lips, cheeks, chins, ears, hair - everything needed to form the portrait of a human face."

Pretty cool for back in the day.  Imagine what The Shadow could do with the technology we have at our fingertips today.  But that is a double edged sword since the massive surveillance state we have become would make skulking in the shadows very difficult.  But I bet Gibson could have figured out a way to make our hero continue his work under those challenging circumstances.

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