Thursday, May 30, 2019

Not The Shadow but, to me, in the modern realm of such

A good friend... a BEST friend, gifted me with this completely awesome prop from my current favorite movie series, John Wick.  Ever since I saw the first film in 2014 I've been totally engaged with the world that Keanu and company have created.  Yes, the movies are over the top and each one goes more over the top but they are so much bloody (and I do mean bloody) fun I just can't get enough.  Thank you, D, this is just an incredible gift.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

RIP Bart Starr

I've got a list of heroes that have shaped my outlook on life.  Artists like Jeff Jones, Nicolai Fechin, Al Williamson and Dean Cornwell (just to name a few from a pretty long list).  Historical figures such as Theodore Roosevelt or JFK.  Of course the fictional ones led by The Shadow, Mr. Spock, Doc Savage and Tarzan.  Then there are the sports figures like Kareem Abdul Jabbar, Johnny Bench or even Sugar Ray Leonard.  For various reasons I looked up to the various figures, mostly for how they performed within their areas of expertise.  But one has always stood out above the others.  He was my first hero and has remained the unreachable goal of how to live.  Bart Starr led Green Bay to 5 championships in 7 years and made the Lombardi Packers the best team of the 60s (and, in my opinion, of all time).  He led a life to be emulated on and mostly off the field.  He showed me how to be a better person by walking the walk.  Not only a champion on the field of play but a champion in the game of life.  It is a sad day for me now that he has passed, but his lessons will forever resonate with me.  Rest in Peace, Mr. Starr. 

Friday, May 24, 2019

Green Eyes asks "What's the Difference"?

I recently finished this classic tale and thought I'd mess with such a classic cover.  Can you find all eight (8) changes I have made?  Well take heart, you have a three day weekend to find them all.  Good luck and have a fantastic Memorial Day weekend.  Just remember to take a moment to reflect on why we are celebrating such an important day.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Burbank? Hello? Is anybody there?

Seriously, how hard is it to be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for a couple of decades?  Good help is so hard to find!

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Doc Savage

I've always loved the idea of Doc Savage, I was just never crazy about the actual way he was written.  The movie had great potential with Ron Ely and George Pal.  Even the director of Logan's Run (which should have been better, as well). 

 The James Bama covers really made me want to read them but I just became enamored with The Shadow, in all his incarnations.  I liked that The Shadow had agents but wasn't surrounded by them.  Doc's five just seemed too cardboard cutout for me. 

Still, the concept lingers on to this day.  The Shadow is yesterday's Batman and Doc is yesterday's Superman.  And yes, I prefer Batman to Supes any day (or night) of the week.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

So close, Agent J, so very close

  "Agent J reports: red star, MAGAZiNE, Shadows, upside down A in twice-a-month, Shadow's gun barrel shadow, Shadow's ring, Shadow's cloak below left elbow - that is all I can find!"

  Well done.  I actually thought the ring would get by you.  I was a bit of a stinker with the bit of brick that I added.  Thanks for playing.  I have fun with these.

Monday, May 20, 2019

What I'm reading now

Looking forward to starting this tonight.  Just wrapped up Kings of Crime and it was quite enjoyable even if the big boss was very obvious.  I am now gonna wrap myself up in a hike down the Murder Trail.  Haven't read this one in a very long time.  This is the version I am familiar with.

I can't wait.

Friday, May 17, 2019

And we end the week with "What's the Difference" issue #61

Okay, there are like a jillion changes to this cover... well, eight (8) in reality.  At least one is kind of a cheat, just to warn you.  Give this a try, agents.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

If only

Great title.  Couldn't help myself.  I may be biased but I think it works better...

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

What I'm reading

Kings of Crime!  About halfway through this early adventure.  My second straight novel that doesn't take place in NYC.  For some reason I picture the HBO series "Boardwalk Empire" when I picture Seaview City, the setting for this crime smashing tale.  Good stuff, agents.

Monday, May 13, 2019

And the answers are...

"Agent J reports: villain's hat, Steranko, window grating (one on left above Shadow's hat is shorter), jewel in woman's headdress, candle flame - that's all I could find!"

  Pretty well done, Agent J.  Only thing you missed was my most devious change... a bit of design on the damsel in distress' dress.  I knew I had to step up my game in order to get past your "hawk"eye! 

Friday, May 10, 2019

The 60th "What's the Difference" puzzle makes its debut

Take a few moments to find the six (6) changes to this rare (at least I haven't run across it much) variant cover from Jim Steranko.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019


I saw this pic of Orson Welles

and kinda thought of this...

Hmmm, did Chaykin have that pic in his reference morgue?  Perhaps only The Shadow knows!

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

What I'm reading right now...

I haven't read this since the Pyramid reprint and I'm really enjoying the trip into the early days of The Shadow's adventures.  Ling Soo's global domination plan as laid out very early on almost feels relevant to the threat China poses today.  So far, a fun read that I'm sure will only get better as our hero makes his way through San Francisco's Chinatown on the way to solving the mystery of the Green Eyes.

Monday, May 6, 2019

Steranko's Charg, Monster

"Agent J reports: Robot's eyes/mouth are red, missing strap for nylons, HBJ upside down, extra line on robot's left arm near hand, The Shadow's collar - I think I found them all!

You did indeed!  I really thought the extra line/groove on the robot's arm would get by.  I had better up my game to try and get the next one by you.

Friday, May 3, 2019

What's The Difference episode 59

I have to say, this is one of my least favorite of the Steranko covers.  There are five (5) changes to this HBJove paperback illustration.  Take a couple minutes out of your weekend and give it a go. 

Thursday, May 2, 2019

The Shadow and The Bat Man

If this never makes it to a theatre I'd take an animated feature (hell, even a short), as long as it took place in 1939.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019