Thursday, June 30, 2022

"Battle of Greed"

 "Rupert Sandersham," came the voice of The Shadow, "you are a man condemned by your own avarice!  You are a master, not of finance, but of greed!"

A boring cover with a not so compelling quote.  This would not have appealed to me if I weren't already a fan.  However this review says try it, you'll like it!

And speaking of the cover, it was the apparent inspiration for this Better Little Book from 1940.  

"Citadels" page 7

"Shiwan... the only virtue I've got left is a solid right cross."

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

"Death Ship"

Let's welcome Graves Gladney to the fold as the new cover artist.  I always loved this one (even if my hero is  smoking), a nice composition and color palette and just a kind of a vibe that says The Shadow is playing this guy.  Nice debut for Mr. Gladney.

"Citadels" page 6

"Miss Lane, Miss Lane... you are an odd one."

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

"The Vindicator"

 Check out a previous post to see how this cover influenced a famous impersonator.  And check out this review if you're unsure whether to put this at the top of your summer reading list.

"Citadels" page 5

"<U bal ulan cha?>"

Monday, June 27, 2022

"River of Death"

 " Two harbor cops dead! A gang of river pirates wiped out by another gang - who promptly disappear into the depths of the Hudson like a bunch of deep-sea divers! Men found floating in the river with a queer mark on their foreheads! Another discovered drowned in the Central Park Lake, in the middle of Manhattan! And this business about Davy Jones! Who is he? What is he? My stoolies tell me that for weeks the underworld has been buzzing with quiet rumors that a supercriminal has taken over the entire waterfront of New York." - Joe Cardna

Theodore Tinsley sails the River of Death.  The Shadow meets Day Jones.  Pulp goodness resides beneath this pretty cool cover.

"Citadels" page 4

"<Bugan-Gai!> Ha-Ha-Ha!"

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Michael Netzer does The Shadow

Very cool image by Michael Netzer.  Who knows indeed!

"The Lone Tiger"

 "The Tiger Mob is captured and sent to jail.  However, one member is still on the loose and killing off anyone who can identify him. When the law failed to find him; when a $100,000-reward offer brought no success, The Shadow set out to capture The Lone Tiger!" _ The Shadow Wiki

Ah, the cover that proves there is a Shadow Secret Society and they have a secret clubhouse to meet!

Saturday, June 25, 2022

The Shadow Chapter Nine "The Devil in White"

Today's episode:"The Devil in White"

"Realm of Doom"

 "Oxotone. The stuff that gives you vigor! Makes you young when you're old! If that's so, why don't you take it when you're young, and never got old? Oxotone! You fellows can drink it. I prefer baloney when it's sliced!" - Vic Marquette 

The last of the five "Hand" tales.  This one cleaves the final digit, the Thumb, from this hand of crime.

Friday, June 24, 2022

ON THE AIR: February 16, 1940

Time to curl up and enjoy a nice trip on The Phantom Voyage.  Adrift at sea, Lamont  and Margot come across a passing ship who rescues them, but once they're on board they soon realize the ship has been taken over by thugs who are smuggling natives from the West Indies into the States.

"Crime Rides the Sea"


"This is a fun story, and probably the best of the five "Hand" novels. The previous three were: "The Hand" from May 15, 1938, "Murder for Sale" from July 1, 1938 and "Chicago Crime" from November 14, 1938. The fifth and final in the series, "Realm of Doom" would appear in the following issue, February 1, 1939.

You should read this story if for no other reason than to see The Shadow using a grenade launcher against the hoards of thugs who are closing in upon him. Its one of those rifle grenades made famous in World War II battles. Ride the high seas with The Shadow!" - John Olsen, The Shadow in Review 

FYI, this was also published in Thriller Library a few months later over multiple issue in six parts.

"Citadels" page 3

"No one can move in total silence."

Thursday, June 23, 2022

"Silver Skull"

"Kent Allard... is an aviator, and a very daring one. A man, too, who will undertake any difficult task. But if you told Allard that I was The Shadow, I am certain that he would never believe you." - Lamont Cranston

The Shadow in Review proclaims this a favorite novel.  Do you agree?  The cover has long been a favorite of mine.  Cleverly done and well rendered. 

"Citadels" page 2

"To wait is the only defense."

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

"Double Death"

 "Who killed Bump? When did Pearl faint? Was she lying unconscious on the floor when you entered? What became of the masked man? And why didn't you yell or try to flee when your handcuffs were first removed? Where's Doctor Logan? You've killed him! Where have you hidden his body?" - Clyde Burke

The last issue of 1938, penned by Theodore Tinsley with an ugly cover.  A great story, though.  Read it.

"Citadels"page 1

"...I do not let my opponents go!"

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

"Shadow Over Alcatraz"

 I've never liked this cover.  It looks like a bad photoshop image.  The seagull seems to be there just to sell the idea of being on the shore, as if the lighthouse didn't do just that.  And a sable cloaked hero against the blue sky?  Why this didn't take place at night with light beam cutting through the masthead is beyond me.  Maybe Rozen just wanted to paint a seascape...

However, good news.  John over at The Shadow in Review gives it one of his top ratings as an adventure tale, which is fitting since this is the exact middle of the run.  The 163rd issue of 325.  Of course we can also count the 60's paperback "Return of The Shadow" as the 326th, but it just doesn't fit in with my count of the pulps.


 Let's begin the end of The Wrath of Shiwan Khan!

Monday, June 20, 2022

"Chicago Crime"

 The only significant aspect to this story is that it is the third of the five "Hand" adventures.  The cover is blah, the title is blah and, according to John Olsen, the story is blah.  And for crying out loud, a revolver?!?!!  Get serious!  Well, I suppose once I read the novel it could say that he picked up a revolver but, really, I doubt it.  We need a smokewagon to overcome the pedestrian nature of the cover.

"Simply Everywhere" page 25

"Who install their Sanctums in the concrete pockets of the city..."

Sunday, June 19, 2022

The Shadowed Circle Issue #3 just arrived

The third issue of this fanzine arrived yesterday and as soon as I finish reading it I will begin to review it.  The cover is a newly colorized version of a Steve Rude illustration.  That's all I know for now.  Stay tuned for a somewhat comprehensive look inside.

"The Voice"

 Not a fan of the orange but I do appreciate that the masthead is shown as a cast shadow along with The Shadow's shadow.  What's the story about?  I don't know.  The Shadow in Review gives it a luke-warm recommendation.  The Shadow Wiki sums it up like this:

"The Voice spoke and murder was done - but when the final fray was over, it was the taunting, triumph laugh of The Shadow that was heard above all!"

Saturday, June 18, 2022

The Shadow Chapter Eight "The Shadow Rides The Rails"

Today's episode: "The Shadow Rides The Rails"

"Vanished Treasure"

 "They call me The Shadow. Whatever may happen in this house - and much will happen - you can rely upon my protection." - The Shadow

'Ghostly footfalls trod the old Beld mansion, and bloodshed and murder followed in their wake! But only The Shadow knew the secret of the buried, bloody treasure!' - The Shadow Wiki

I love the pulpy dead guy and the insinuation from the cast shadow that The Shadow has done in the presumed bad guy.  Even in death he grips his treasure in a bloody grasp. 

Friday, June 17, 2022

ON THE AIR: February 9, 1941

Pour yourself an iced tea, sit back and enjoy this episode from 81 years ago, "The Man Who Lived Twice".

"The Dead Who Lived"

 Not a great cover and this time the book can be judged by the cover.  Just not a top of the line pulp from the greatest of the pulps.  It happens.

Looky what I got...


My grandson gifted me with this beautiful edition of The Black Hush.  I don't know what to say but WOW!  Of all the great issues to get, the most famous image of The Shadow sitting on my shelf is just too much to grasp.  I love this.  Thanks, Collin.

"Simply Everywhere" page 24

"My gratitude, August Yat Soon.  Let us hope for good fortune."

Thursday, June 16, 2022

"Crime Over Boston"

 Is The Shadow helping to throw this helpless woman into the box/hole/trapdoor?  I sure hope not, but since I can't even tell what it is that is going on.  Just a poor cover with an uninspiring title.  The Shadow in Review says it's a pretty good story that comes in at a slim 38,000 words (as opposed to the more common 45,000) so it's a quick read.  Judge.  Book.  Cover.  You can never tell.

"Simply Everywhere" page 23

"Hiya doll.  Glad you came back."

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

"The Golden Dog Murders"

 "Every decade, in Rajkumana, at the feast of the Ten-year Vigil, a virgin in white robes rides in on an elephant, wearing the Necklace of Purity. The Necklace of Purity is made of twenty-one very unusual one-of-a-kind sapphires. Each is of vivid blue, and deep in the center of each stone is a hint of red ruby. There are no other sapphires like them in the entire world. The necklace is placed about the throat of the golden Dog goddess. But not this time. The necklace has been stolen.

Someone has stolen the sapphire necklace and has split up the rare stones. They've been sold to collectors in New York. And now a curse has been placed upon the new owners of the stones. The Dog goddess will wreak her revenge. Horrible death will befall those who possess the stolen gems."  The Shadow in Review

I've always been fond of this cover with the exception of that odd diamond.  Since this is a Tinsley tale I guess I'll have to get over my problem with showing The Shadow injured. 

"Simply Everywhere" page 22

"Future triumphs will help us laugh at past indignities."

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

"The Green Hoods"

 Not my favorite cover for sure.  But this tale was good enough to be adapted not only in Shadow Comics #24...

...but it was one of three pulp tales used as the basis for The Shadow, the fifteen chapter serial that I have been posting on Saturdays.  "The Lone Tiger" and "Silver Skulls" were the other two novels that were in the mix along with the radio episode "Prelude to Terror".

"Simply Everywhere" page 21

"Like your friend The Shadow, hm?"

Monday, June 13, 2022

"Death Jewels"

 'Robbery, then death - and New York was stunned with the swiftness of crime! But faster was the Shadow, Crime Fighter Extraordinary!' - The Shadow Wiki

 'There was no way of smashing the most deadly efficient crime-ring ever to loot London, no chance to unmask the "brain" behind it... until The Shadow's inspiration devised that brilliant trap by radio.' - The Shadow Wiki

These two descriptions of what is essentially (I assume) the same story really make me wonder about this adventure.  Would love to read both of them back to back just to see how differently the British version varied.

"Simply Everywhere" page 20

"Everything becomes me, Shiwan."

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Why not?!

 Let's take a look at the beautiful interior art that went with The Golden Vulture.  Edd Cartier, in all his glory...

Magnificent stuff.