Friday, October 29, 2021

Fitting for a New Years Eve broadcast...

William "Bill" Johnstone is the actor we've been listening to since Welles departure.  I thought this picture seemed appropriate for ending the decade on a New Years Eve broadcast.  Very dapper and Cranston-like, I should say.  Reminiscent of this pulp cover...

ON THE AIR: December 31, 1939

 The Cat That Killed.  That title laid out a lot of possibilities... A cat that had been scientifically modified?  A lion or jaguar or panther on the loose?  Is The Cat someone who goes by the name?  Anything goes in an episode The Shadow and probably a fitting end to the decade.  The Shadow as a radio character had really changed from the days of Orson Welles but I'm sure it was a reflection of society.  A little lighter.  We'll have to wait and see if that changes in the coming years with the advent of World War II.

"Who is Number One?" page 10

 "The Shadow is with no one.

and I know of no... 'Number One'."

Thursday, October 28, 2021


 This is off the beaten path but I was just wondering if anyone else enjoyed the new Dune film as much as I did.  This has long been a favorite book of mine and I have waited 43 years for this adaptation.  Beautiful and pretty faithful.  I don't want to get into the controversies that our society feels obligated to heap onto any production anymore.  I was transported to Arrakis to share in the hero's journey that Paul embarks on.  Herbert created such a compelling world with his 6 Dune novels (I haven't read the books written by his son) that I have never been able to leave it behind.  This film captures his words and puts them on the big screen so much like I imagined.  I loved this movie and am wondering what others think.

Knives out!

 Kaluta gives us either a Chinatown sketch or an epic confrontation with Shiwan Khan.  This would be great to see inked in the style of Wrightson, Jones or Frazetta.  Lot's of ink used in an organic manner.  None of them are around anymore so it's a moot point.

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Radio promo

 Now this is a gruesome promotional picture!

I think this was for an article is a trade magazine and they were recreating a scene from a recent or upcoming radio episode.  I see our hero appears to have no intention of stepping in.  One corpse, a soon to be one legged crispy corpse and The Shadow just looks on.  If Margo could see this she'd rethink getting into those messes or at least wonder if Lamont was just watching till the last second for the fun of it.

Another Chaykin sketch

 Seems to be from his last effort in service to The Shadow... "Midnight in Moscow".  I'll have to reread that one.  Seems to have been one I didn't really respond to initially.  Maybe this time...

"Who is Number One?" page 8

 "Just not like the good old days... is it, Peaches?"

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

How 'bout a little walk through the graveyard

 What an odd cover... wonder what the story is?  The little grave robber reminds me of Dr. Sivana, Captain Marvel's arch enemy.  Just a bit weird, but then again it is Halloween season...

Some Steranko sketches


The top one looks to be a preliminary drawing for a cover.  The second one is probably a convention sketch or commission (although I'd say con sketch due to it's 'sketchiness').  Just some Steranko goodness to get a rainy Tuesday on it's feet.

"Who is Number One?" page 7

 "You seem awfully nervous, Bock."

"This...this has upset me... terribly."

Monday, October 25, 2021

Hot lead

 I don't know if anyone else loves "Person of Interest" like I do but this illustration reminds me of a scene from the pilot  where "The Man in the Suit" informs a young Russian gangster that holding his gun sideways will eject a hot shell into the face of the guy next to him.  Believe me, those shells are, indeed, hot!

Sad drama playing out

 I'm sure anyone who follows The Shadow is aware of the tragedy on the set of "Rust".  The accident that resulted in one death and an injury at the hands of Mr. Baldwin seems to almost be drawn from a script itself.  It brought back memories of Brandon Lee (Bruce Lee's son) and his tragic accident on the set of "The Crow".  Keep a good thought for all involved and let's hope that something like this never happens again.  Saving a few dollars at the expense of safety is not acceptable in any industry.

Saturday, October 23, 2021

The Blue Coal "Shadow" ring

 I'm not sure if I would have been thrilled or disappointed when this arrived in the mail.  Back in the day people weren't as used to "accurate" props.  Today I own a nearly perfect Phaser and Communicator (that works) and accurate Mr. Spock uniform top.  Models are spot on these days as well and we even have the copy of Walter B. Gibson's ring.  I'd like to think that I would have cherished this as a kid but from today's POV I think I'd be going... huh?  However, given the rarity of the ring and the market for collectibles it may turn out to be the most prized possession in an agent's collection.

Friday, October 22, 2021

ON THE AIR: December 24, 1939

 In a Christmas mood before Halloween?  Take a listen to "The Stockings Were Hung" and pour yourself a cup of eggnog.  Cheers!

"Who is Number One?" page 5

 "Awright, awright!  But nobody leaves this dump until--"

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Halloween is just around the calendar corner

 Would you have donned this costume in the mid 70's?

Or this one in the (I assume) 40's?

Dumpster diving with Margo by Kaluta

 Aside from the horrible title I just gave this piece I love a lot about it.  The composition and the depth created with the ink wash.  The fun use of White Out and the authentic feel of the alley.  Well done, Mr. K, well done.

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Stamp of approval

 I wish I had this... 

... just so I could do this.

Sean Murphy does The Shadow

 Can't say that I like the hat but the energy in this piece is pretty great.

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Could this be Margo Lane?

 Mary Nolan.  What say you?

She died on Halloween, 1948 at the age of 45.  If I hadn't seen the '94 film and Penelope A Miller, I probably would never have pictured Mary as Margo, being blonde and all.  Just a thought.

Kaluta's turn

Here is a sketch that I can't say for sure was a prep sketch...


... and the finished art.


"Who is Number One?" page 2

 "How about you, Cranston?  Still no sweet little number draining your bank account, eh?"

Monday, October 18, 2021

Just because

I love my reissue pins but would love to have one of these.  Corrosion and all.

Start to finish

 Chaykin may not have captured my idea of The Shadow but I love his stylized take on the whole thing.  Some of his writing... well, you take the good with the bad.

"Who is Number One?" page 1

 "Beastly weather.  Feel as though I haven't see a woman's leg in a month."

Sunday, October 17, 2021

I was so excited for this series...

 ... and whereas I am a fan of the artwork I just couldn't get into Helfer's take on my hero.  Sienkiewicz did an excellent job, especially with the covers, but this just wasn't my cup of tea (and I love my green tea) so I just have to look at the pretty pictures and try not to be too upset with the story itself.  Of course there is the silver lining that this all led up to The Shadow Strikes so I can't be too indignant.  But then there is Dynamite and then Patterson.  <sigh>  Well, enjoy this nice little cover to issue #1 of The Shadow from 1987, "Shadows & Light * Part 1".

Saturday, October 16, 2021

"Who is Number One?"

This is the only Barreto art in this issue.  Rod Whigham took over the pencils with this issue.  He does some good work but suffers from following in the footsteps of Eduardo. 

ON THE AIR: December 17, 1939

 Music, matches and DEATH.  All this and Lamont Cranston tries to plant rose bushes.  If this captures your attention then listen to "Murder Incorporated" with a nice cup of cocoa and beware any insurance agents who might drop by...

Stay tuned and listen all the way through the end and hear a variation of the traditional closing monologue.

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Would the 1994 film "The Shadow" have benefited from being in black & white?


Just wondering if making it more period with black & white film stock and (as much as I love the soundtrack) a period appropriate music score.  Using Orson Welles' sensibilities from "Citizen Kane" with the gorgeous atmosphere and innovative camera angles and just the epic contrast, I think the film would take on a whole different feel.  A bit of editing would help.  Just a thought...

And thus ends the run of Eduardo Barreto


Except for some covers to the coming issues Eduardo has left The Shadow behind.  I loved his run on this book, the reason I consider it the best comic adaptation of The Dark Eagle and his continuing adventures. 

As the issues progressed he just got better and better.  "The Slaughterhouse" series was just phenomenal and I still love the way in which he spotted his blacks and the mood he created with, for example, a stormy night.

His vision of The Master of Men...Ying Ko...The Shadow... just wonderful.  I hope everyone enjoyed his run as much as I did (and still do).